Core XR8 kite
Core XR8 kite
CORE XR8 kite
Nya high performance freeride kiten Core XR8 till Sveriges bästa pris. Nytt för nya versione är nya materialval som ger ökad styvhet i profilen men även mindre diameter på LE vilket gör bättre aerodynamik. Förändringarna från tidigare XR7 är mer kraft, snabbare, tightare sväng, massor av prestanda men samma omisskännliga karaktär.
Storlek 13.5, 12, 10, 9, 8, 7 i lager, beställ i shopen eller gör reservation via
Övriga storlekar finns också, leveranstid mellan 2-5 veckor. Maila in din order
Låg lagernivå: 1 kvar
Very high quality all the way through, from the materials to the performance. It is a kite that you really learn to trust, very predictable and easy to control, while at the same time it is explosive and have great hang time during jumps. It flies like on rails.
I have tried so many kites but I always come back to my favourite one, which is the Core XR, and I am upgrading it every year. If you like jumping high, long hang time and wide wind range then this is your kite. I have never boosted higher with any other kite than my Core! :)